The Temple of Tymora
Adventure Synopsis:
A fell curse is killing the daleland crops. Wizards have consulted ancient tomes to try and dispel the blight. Priests have called upon their gods for Miracles. Nothing seems to help.. and if help doesn't come soon.. it will be a hard winter indeed without the needed food.
One hope yet remains. The priests of the Temple of Tymora, patron goddess of adventurers, have received a vision from their goddess. The vision showed a ancient holy chalice being used to remove the curse.
Unfortunately, the chalice was sealed within the ancient catacombs 300 years ago when the deceased high priest was entombed. Skilled dwarven trap-smiths from the Great Rift were hired to seal and trap the tomb, with vows of secrecy to never reveal its secrets.
Clearly someone must enter the catacombs and recover the chalice, but the priests are forbidden to enter the tomb once sealed. However, there is nothing in their vows that forbid them from asking help from adventuring bands they have aided in the past.
Two teams have responded to the call. As a member of one of the teams, your mission is to enter the catacombs and recover the Chalice. Anything you discover in the tombs beside the chalice is yours for the taking. The priests will be just outside the catacombs to provide any healing necessary. What could be easier?
Do you trust the other team? Are all of your agendas the same? What secrets do each of you hold?
Warning: Characters may well end up in conflict with one another by the end of the adventure.
Convention short description: A curse is killing the Daleland crops. One hope remains. The priests of the Temple of Tymora have received a vision of a chalice that can end the curse. Unfortunately, it was sealed in the catacombs 300 years ago. Skilled dwarven trap-smiths were hired to seal and trap the tomb, with vows of secrecy to never reveal its secrets. Someone must enter the catacombs and recover the chalice, but the priests are forbidden to enter the tomb once sealed. However, there is nothing in their vows that forbid them from asking help from you. Two teams have responded to the call. As a member of one of the teams, your mission is to enter the catacombs and recover the Chalice. Healing will be just outside the doors. What could be easier? Do you trust the other team? Are all of your agendas the same? What secrets do each of you hold? Characters Lvl 5 include: Judge Dredd, Indiana Jones, Ben Gates, Danny Ocean, Lara Croft, and Richard 'Rick' O'Connell Characters conflict possible.
Shortest Description: A curse killing the crops can be ended by a chalice. Your mission is to enter the catacombs and recover the Chalice. Healing is just outside. What could be easier?
Game Information
System: D&D (World: Forgotten Realms)
Players: 6
Characters: Provided below (Level: 5)
Pregenerated Characters
Team 1: formed by individuals who wish to recover the chalice to return it to its proper and legal owner.
Ben Gates (National Treasure) – artifact retriever ~ male human cleric (knowledge) (leader)
Joseph Dredd (Judge Dredd) – judge ~ male human paladin (vengeance)
Indiana Jones (and the Temple of Doom) – artifact retriever ~ male human ranger (hunter)
Team 2: working together to get the chalice to sell it to a fence in Malta and split the take 3 ways.
Danny Ocean (Ocean’s 11) – con-artist ~ male human bard (lore) (leader)
Richard 'Rick' O'Connell (The Mummy) – artifact retriever ~ male human fighter (eldritch knight)
Lara Croft (Tome Raider) – cat burglar ~ female elven rogue (thief)